Last term, over 750 children from 5 Essex Primary schools made music with technology-focused projects. This term, over 1,000 children from a further 12 Essex Primary schools will be engaged in the same project.

Essex Music Services and the Arts Council have provided funding for Conductive Music CIC to deliver two-day workshops creating individual music and technology focused projects for children aged 5 – 11 years old.

Quotes from teachers

“The children were really engaged and amazed by the workshops and loved making fruit pianos and learning about music, ICT and science…even the teachers enjoyed themselves!” 

“This workshop awakened the pupils’ awareness of how technology can create music – it was an excellent opportunity to enhance coding skills too.” 

“Pupils were engaged and enjoyed exploring ways of creating music technology. The children developed their musical and computing understanding and had fun in the process.

“These workshops were thoroughly enjoyable, and children discovered musical terms and developed an understanding of rhythm and pitch.”

Quotes from the children involved in the project

“We made a piano from a piece of paper.”

“I liked it when we could make the music go low and high by forming shadows.”

“We touched hands and the music continued.”

“We drew shapes to make music and made the rhythm with different silly animals.”

Who is Conductive Music CIC?

Conductive Music CIC colleagues are scientists, educators, researchers and offer positive role models to children from challenging backgrounds. Its methods are based in educational theory and on feedback from 3,000 young people, specialist teachers and partners.

Further Projects

Current funding is for 18 schools to join this project in Essex but further funding has been allocated for future joint projects.

Quote from Peter Lovell, Head of Essex Music Services“I am delighted that so many young Essex pupils have been inspired through this project to bring music, the sciences and creativity together and bring music to life through their own inventions.

Through a new funding stream, Conductive Music will be offering more workshops to more Essex schools over the coming months. We are always delighted to support Primary schools to provide new and innovative opportunities to enjoy music. The project has been greeted with much enthusiasm, support and commitment from both children and teachers.” 

To find out more about Essex Music Service and all of our opportunities, please email