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Charanga Training

To support our long standing partnership with Charanga across Essex, fully subsidised by Essex Music Education Hub, we are running a number of free training events.

To register your interest, and to find out about training opportunities, please contact Kristian Parkes, the Charanga Area Manager, or Liz Leatherdale EMS Music Training & Projects Coordinator.

If you would like to host a Charanga session at your school, please do get in touch as we have additional capacity to fit in additional Charanga sessions within this term.

O-Generator Training

O-generator iconWe have a new partnership with O-generator which we are delighted to be able to offer to all primary schools as a completely subsidised offer. If you would like to find out more about O-generator, or book a free training session within your school, please contact Mark Welland on mark@o-music.tv or call 01892 838110.

To support our partnership with O-Generator across Essex, fully subsidised by Essex Music Education Hub, we are running a number of free training events. To register your interest, and to find out about training opportunities, please contact Mark Welland, at O-Music, or Liz Leatherdale, EMS Music Training & Projects Coordinator: Liz Leatherdale If you would like to host an O-Generator session at your school, please do get in touch as we have additional capacity to fit in additional O-Generator sessions within this term.

Musical Futures Training

Musical Futures logoMusical Futures is an approach to teaching and learning that is reshaping the way in which students around the world are engaging with music in the classroom.

Primary CPD with Sue Nicholls

We continue to work with renowned educator and trainer Sue Nicholls to offer CPD sessions to primary school teachers. Whether you are a music specialist, or someone who has just taken on the role, Sue offers a variety of informative and fun training sessions throughout the year.

We also continue to offer bespoke music CPD for schools to have a training session for their staff which can be focused on any part of the curriculum, either as a charged session for in-house training, or as a free provision when delivered within a cluster session. Please contact Liz Leatherdale for more information or to discuss a particular provision.

We look forward to seeing you, or some of your staff, at one of the above events soon.